Current Events

 Current Event Source: The Daytona Beach News-Journal / USA TODAY NETWORK – FLORIDA

 Must be a respected News source Article Title: DeSantis could run for president without resigning under Senate bill. Politics

Article date: April 25, 2023 at 4:22 PM

Circle One: Local State National International Who was involved? (Identify the people, groups, or organizations) Political/ People who live in Jax

_ Where did this event happen? (Be specific) This week Florida Governor Ron DeSantis hosted several events in South Carolina, to kick off voting for the 2024 presidential primary

When did this event happen? (Date, month, time frame, and/or year) April 25, 2023 at 4:22 PM _ What happened? (Include sequence of events in complete sentences) Ron DeSantis could be running for president of the United States without resigning under Senate Amendment. They are still deciding if the debate of Ron DeSantis running for president is "allowed". As written, "the law says a state official must submit a resignation in writing "at least 10 days prior to the first day of qualifying for the (federal) office."

Why is this event relevant? (how does this article connect to the theme you chose from our textbook?) 

There are many reasons why this event is relevant to both reality and the theme I chose in our textbooks because one, Ron DeSantis is our newly reelected Governor and has been in office from 2019 till 2027. The reason I said it relates to the theme of the textbook because the textbook says "Richard Lynn Scott-R took office in the midst of a serious economic downturn. Florida's unemployment and foreclosure rates were among the highest in the country." (Pg. 440) How does this relate? Well, Ron DeSantis is a republican candidate that is currently in office as Governor of Florida and is in a midst of a serious political battle.

 Reflection (for full credit, you must include support with each reflection)

The reason I said it relates to the theme of the textbook because the textbook says "Richard Lynn Scott-R took office in the midst of a serious economic downturn. Florida's unemployment and foreclosure rates were among the highest in the country." (Pg. 440) How does this relate? Well, Ron DeSantis is a republican candidate that is currently in office as Governor of Florida and is in a midst of a serious political battle. In the article, it says that "Ron DeSantis is being recently accused of "taxpayer-funded globetrotting," which he denied." "Trump accused Ron DeSantis for "campaigning" while Fort Lauderdale flooded." These all reflect the text because even though Rick Scott faced "Florida's unemployment and foreclosure rates were among the highest in the country" and "The BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico that wreaked havoc on the state's coastal counties' economics." (pg. 440) I think that no matter who in the political game, everyone is either dealing with some sort of scandal or some sort of serious downturn that they have to either be looked at as the villains or the heroes. I believe both Ron and Richard Lynn Scott both have different things they are handling, but they both are still trying to put Florida's political state in a good state.

Gannon, M., & Landers, J. (2018). Florida Politics. In The history of Florida. University Press of Florida. Michael Gannon, (2018) pg 440


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