The Land Remembered Novel
The Land Remembered Novel To start this blog off, I want to describe what "The Land Remembered" novel is and what it is about. The Land Remembered is a novel that is based in the mid-1800s going to the mid-1900s and it follows this family, the MacIvey family, who are struggling to survive in Florida's harsh and unforgiving landscape. The novel follows this family's hardships like the bond of the family, challenges like hurricanes and floods, and the vivid Floridan wilderness. With the help of an ex-Slave named Skillit, the MacIveys catch over a hundred cows and develop a relationship so tight with Skillit, he eventually takes their name as a sign of respect and to purchase land. Glenda joined the clan with ease and as she gets into the clan, Emma asked her for her help to cook for the men. "Come sit with me. Those men will be coming in soon with their stomachs growling"(pg. 232). And Glenda was just trying to ask her how it works to cook for 6 pe...
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