Cracker Cowboys Use Spaniard Cows!
Cracker Cowboys Use Spaniard Cows!
By: Elton Meta
Jacob Summerlin: one of the richest men of Florida
Jacob Summerlin: The Cowman who was king of crackers. TBNweekly. (2007, August 22). Retrieved March 18, 2023, from
Legends of America. Legends of america. (n.d.). Retrieved March 18, 2023, from
The Cracker Cowboys were cattle breeders that lived in Florida that used their whips to crack their cows, the way the whips sounded, and the diet of cracked corn. These cowboys were bold and fierce because of the harsh climate of heat and the way they would herd their cows was also quite interesting. These bold cowboys would heavily rely on having dogs to round up herds of cows and would sell these cows to the Spaniards. In actuality, these cattle belonged to the Spaniards, as they were the ones who brought them here. The cattle arrived here from the early decedents of Spanish cows from the early colonist. They eventually escaped and were feral and this is where the cracker cowboys swooped in and sold them back to the Spaniards. These cattle had to adapt to the Florida heat and eventually became relied on for food, for trading, and for breeding. These cattle didn't have the best beef either yet, it was beef and at that point the men would be hungry so they loved the meat and dairy the cows had to offer. (Cracker Cowboy MP3)
Legends of America. Legends of america. (n.d.). Retrieved March 18, 2023, from
Works Cited
Legends of America. Legends of america. (n.d.). Retrieved March 18, 2023, from
Jacob Summerlin: The Cowman who was king of crackers. TBNweekly. (2007, August 22). Retrieved March 18, 2023, from
Cracker Cowboy MP3
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