Chapter 2 Worksheet

McCoy/AMH2070                              Elton Meta



(4) Cite your Article (in proper APA format):

Gannon, M. (2018). First European Contacts. In The history of Florida. essay, University Press of Florida.




Focus Questions:

(1)   Who is the author? 

Michael Gannon



(10) One argument presented is that Historic Accounts are not always cut & dry/ certain.  Discuss 2 examples within this chapter that supports this idea.  (pg 18.28). One account that is not always cut and dry would be the Alaminos that took a heading od west-northwest and they made landfall on the second of April. Michael Gannon says “the most recent study contends that they were at a point just south of Cape Canaveral, probably near Melbourne Beach.” (Gannon, 2018) They aren’t too sure and they don’t state that they landed near Melbourne beach, instead they say “probably near”. The second account is when Juan Ponce landed near the gulf side of Florida near the keys, where Michael Gannon says, “It is thought, at San Carlos Bay… he found firewood and fresh water, careened one of his ships, and had two encounters with natives of the Calusa Nation.” (Gannon, 2018)





(1)   Explore the discussion of the Fountain of Youth and its validity (pg 19).

Well, it was only an emphasized mythical fountain that was only a legend in Bimini. No one in Juan Ponce’s charter mentioned the Fountain of Youth as something in its “specification of their expeditions purpose or goals.” (Gannon, 2018) They were no accounts of it reported in firsthand narratives either. I believe it doesn’t exsist.




(5) Describe political or social policy mentioned within the chapter.  Be sure to include:

Old Spain rulers/ruling bodies: The old Spanish rulers sent voyagers to look for new laborers to replace native laborers.

New World rulers/ruling bodies: The New World rulers wanted to make themselves as wealthy as possible. Take the land from these native countries and trade with them.

 adelantado: Adelantado were appointed to conduct military exploration. Pedro Menendez was appointed as adelantado of Florida

 Requirirmiento: The requirimiento was a written threat read out to the uncomprehending natives. It was sort of a compromise without violence.

 New Laws of 1542: was a commitment that would be played out on a larger scale in the next Spanish undertaking in Florida by Cancer

What animal was introduced to Florida by de Soto?

Wild boar and pigs were introduced to florida


(2)What is the “microbial invasion”?

The microbial invasion is when the European explores brought over disease to Florida and other countries the Europeans conquered.  The Aztecs were devastated by the smallpox from the Spanish.




(5) Present reasons supporting settlement of Florida AND arguments against the settlement of Florida based on the text of Chapter 2

I believe traveling to a land and bringing diseases with you for the native people to die from is just a reason not to settle. The work practices were way to harsh for the settlement of Florida. A reason for supporting settlement of Florida is for better trade routes and establish a foot through the door of Florida. The Spanish also saw Florida as a way to expand political power.





(1)   What do you find most interesting about this article? I didn’t know that the Gulf shore and the Atlantic coast of Spanish-claimed Florida were vulnerable to the French and English.



 “How Europeans Evolved White Skins.” Science,

Cartwright, M. (2022, August 24). Spanish main. World History Encyclopedia. Retrieved March 12, 2023, from


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