chapter 15

Who is the author of this chapter and what information can you find about the author elsewhere in the text? Shofner, Back of the book. Chapter 15 page 275. According to this chapter, list 2 things that were in desperate need of “reconstruction” ? Restoration of the Union and Civil Law Transformation of southern society and favoring of the freed slaves Florida stands apart from other areas of the South in the way that General Newton handled two main areas: politics & freedmen. Discuss both. He told Florida planters that the slaves were freemen, and they were only to pay them and not keep them hostage. General Newton wanted wartime reconstruction, presidential reconstruction too. Demand for cotton was (increasing or decreasing) during the early years of reconstruction. CIRCLE ONE Decreasing White And black farmers alike were given a new structure in which to run their land (called by 3 different terms in the text). What is one of the names of this new agricultural system used by the author? Sharecropping! What 2 issues engulfed Florida as well as the entire nations, just as Lincoln feared it would? Slavery was one thing that Lincoln feared but also he feared the separation of the North and South and tensions of the Civil War. Shofner describes a very sticky situation in regards to President Johnson restoring land ownership to former confederates. Reflect on how this affects the statewide condition at the time. All of the property was being restored except for the slaves. Former confederates that pledged their loyalty to the Union received amnesty and pardon. What does the text mean about Lincoln’s “non-punitive ideas”? Reunification of the country. We know that “Black Codes” took shape despite the efforts of the Freedman’s Bureau. Discuss the ways that Florida fell into the practices. The black codes separated who would be considered a black person and prohibited African Americans from voting, serving on juries, serving in militias, holding political office, and marrying white people Why was the Civil Rights Act of 1865 so ineffective? The act failed to protect political or social rights like voting and equal accommodations like bathrooms and water fountains. What legislative measures marked the end of martial law in Florida? Describe the internal divisions that developed in Florida during the reconstruction years. The internal divisions that developed in Florida were cattle raising, cigar manufacturing, and phosphate mining too. What 2 measures were taken by conservative whites to prevent Freedmen from exercising their rights to suffrage? Separate but equal, they were always served last and sat in the back of the bus. They put a tax and a fine on voting for Africans. What is the contrasting difference between reconstruction effects in middle and peninsular Florida? The middle didn’t want to even make the slaves be equal to them and they didn’t want them to vote either. The peninsular was separate but equal and taxed the Africans When Shofner turns from reconstruction to renewal, list industries and individuals who played a role. Cattle industry, Cigar industries, phosphate mining, beginning of tourist visiting florida, and Florida’s transportation industry. The political temperature in Florida changed dramatically in the renewal years. Expound on that and include the one negative piece of legislature that added to already active Black C


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